Welcome to Loving Women Of A Life Time Blog Hop!
Cicily sent you over for a visit then you are exctly where you are
meant to be. If you just happen to be visiting then you should head over to
for the beginning of this fabulous hop! Please be sure to stop by our generous sponsors and show them a little love:
Kat Shriber-
www.katschriber.ctmh.com $30.00 CTMH kit
Theresa The Scrapbooking Queen-
www.thescrapbookingqueen.com 6 of Her stamps 3 are her up coming stamp collection, 2 25 packs of wobbles
LuAnn Hale-
www.stampnplus.com 40.00 or 50.00 Gift Certificate to her stamp store
Christy Kerley: Amuse Studio
www.amusestudio.com/paperscrapsnmore $25 dollar gift certificate
Sarah Hamer- (Pink By Design) stamp set
cori Ginger snaps scraps-Camp
A Lot, Little Miss or
Hello Sunshine 6x6 paper pad, winners choice.
K Andrews Designs: Getting Cricky~
The Hop is dedicated to the woman who have made an impact on our life. For me, I have had 4 very important women who made a very important impact on my life.
My Great Grandmother, my Mother and My Grandma have all made a very big impact on my life. I was four years old when my Great Grandmother passed away. But I will never forget her. She was so sweet and loving. She use to have tea parties with me and play dolls with me. She had several strokes and she never let it slow her down. In fact she had her first stroke in her 40s when she was pregnant with her last child, and yet she kept going. She had a very strong belief in God.

My grandma was the sweetest and most giving person I know. She was my rock and my role model. She was a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. She loved to cook and dote on my grandpa and us grandkids. I spent alot of time with my grandmother as my parents divorced when I was 2 and we went to live with my grandparents for the first few years after the divorce. My grandma watched me while my Mom worked. Even after we moved to a home of our own, my grandma still came over whenever I was sick and I spent the summers at my grandparents house. She taught me such virtues as patience, forgiveness, humbleness, counting my blessings, and a strong belief in God. Also a love for country music and Johnny Cash. She loved to shop and we would often go shopping. She encouraged me to go to college and follow my dreams. On the day I left for college, she gave me a little pin that said "World's Best Lawyer" because I wanted to be a lawyer. When I came home from college on weekends, she would make popcorn as I studied and tell me that I needed a snack. She sent me care packages of homemade cookies, scarves, mittens, and an afghan for my bed. She babysat my little kitten Cuddles and taught her to cuddle with her on the couch while I worked. She use to call me "Putzee" (not sure of how to spell it) My Grandmother passed away shortly before my College Graduation. She fought Colon Cancer with dignity and grace. I miss her so much!!!!

My Mom has always encouraged me to be independent and follow my dreams. She encouraged me to go to college. She was a single working mother, but she always spent weekends with me. She taught me the importance of family closeness. My Mother is bi-polar and at times, life was a bit dramatic, but I always know my Mom loves me. She has a strong faith in God. When we lost a baby, she was the first one to be there for me. Without her, I don't know what I would have done. She suffered a stroke a few years ago, and she had to learn to walk again with a walker as her left side is paralyzed. But she hasn't let it stop her and she keeps on going. She inspires me to keep fighting my health problems. If she can overcome a stroke, I certainly can overcome my health issues.

My Aunt/Godmother is my best friend. She lived with my Mom and I since my parents divorced when I was 2. She has always been there for me. She has been like a second mom and a sister all rolled into one. I always tell her everythng. And even though we are miles apart, I talk to her every day. She is my role model. She encouraged a love for travel in me, and also encouraged me to wait for Mr. Right and not settle with Mr. Wrong just to have someone. She always encourage me to be independent and follow my dreams. She is also responsible for my love of fashion-purses and shoes and clothes. My grandmother, Marge and me would hop in the car and going shopping. I loved those times! We both also love to shop and scrapbook. She gave me an awesome godson, Jon, who is like my kid! This year, I got to spend a whole weekend with her at the Scrapbook Expo in Milwaukee, WI. We had so much fun!!!! She is always there for me and always encourages me. In March, my 18 year old cat passed away., Marge reminded me about how Cuddles picked me and the story of our trip to adopt her. She also reminded me that I would see Cuddles again one day in Heaven.. A couple of days ago, I adopted another kitten, Dixie. And I forgot how demanding a kitten is, and I told Marge I didn't know if I could handle it now. I also worried that Dixie wouldn't get use to me or want to sit with me. But she encouraged me and told me that I did a terrific job with Cuddles. She also assured me that our 6 year old cat, Kit Kat would come around and love Dixie just like she did Cuddles. Well, Kit Kat and Dixie are getting along and Dixie is hanging on me. Once again, she was right. So, I made two of the cards below for my Mom and My Godmother/Aunt. I want them to know how important they are to me and how much I love them. Without these wonderful women in my life, I would be lost. I am so very blessed to have had four loving women in my life.

I made a gate fold card. Using a Marci Girl with Kitten stamp, I stamped the image and colored it with my Copic Markers Using my Creative Memories Oval Templates, I cut the Stamped image out and made two mats. Then using my Cricut machine and Meow Cricut Cartridge, I cut two balls of yarn. I cut some pattern paper for the front panels and added some ribbon as well as flowers. Then I secured my matted image to the left panel.
For the inside of my card, I cut some white cardstock and Friend pattern paper. Then I added some Pink Sheer ribbon and 2 flowers. Now I just have to add my sentiment.
Now it's time to visit
Becka. Thanks for stopping by.
If you get lost along the hop here is the complete line up:
- Melissa Pinter http://pinkpolkadotscrapping.blogspot.com
- Suzy's Crafts http://Suzyssimplecrafts.blogspot.com
- Jessica Kephart http://homespunelegance.blogspot.com/
- Carla Townsend http://racincrafts.blogspot.com/
- Shawnee Penkacik http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com
- Miranda Enclade http://www.nanasscrapspot.com/
- Sylvia Gonazalez Solorio http://bellascrapbookingdesigns.blogspot.com
- Cicily http://pinkdalmationscrapper.blogspot.com/
- Barbara http://barbarab3.blogspot.com
- Becka http://creationswithbecka.blogspot.com